Talking with Katherine

MOLLY: Katherine? Katherine Carr? It's been so long!
KATHERINE: Molly! Wow, it has been such a long time. So how's life? Why are you here?
MOLLY: Everything's super! Now that I've switched agents, I'm finally getting more jobs.
KATHERINE: Oh yeah, one of my coworkers did a piece on you the other day for the scene column.
MOLLY: Yeah, he was sooo nice. That's why I'm here actually. I'm sending him flowers as a thank-you gesture for making the interview so painless.
KATHERINE: Sending Daniel flowers, eh? C'mon Molly, you can tell me the truth.
MOLLY: Fine, he was pretty cute. So enough about me. What are you doing here?
KATHERINE: Hmm, I'd rather not say.
MOLLY: Translation: You're buying flowers for a guy.
KATHERINE: Of course not!
MOLLY: That was a little too emphatic. So, what kind of flowers are you buying for your "friend"?
KATHERINE: I'm here to buy yellow roses to lighten up my apartment.
MOLLY: Suuure. I saw you eyeing those red roses in the corner for your studmuffin I bet!
KATHERINE: So, uh, what kind of flowers are you buying for Daniel?
MOLLY: Trying to change the subject, eh? Fine, I'll let you off the hook this time. I'm getting him orchids. I'm trying for something different.

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