Slayers Beyond

Chapter 1: In the Forest

By: Aisha C aka

It was a cool fall afternoon as the girl walked though the forest trail after lunch. She had never been so deep in the forest before and it was getting cold. But she didn’t mind. She liked the quiet and calmness of the forest and was thankful that she was away from her loud brothers, sisters, and cousins that lived in the same house as her. She never got any privacy, especially when it came to doing her favorite thing. Reading. So she took this opportunity with happy arms. But even so she was getting tired. And since she didn’t want to go home she decided to sit by a tree and read her new book. But just as she was about to start reading she saw something shining though the trees. She ran over to get a closer look. She couldn’t believe what she saw! It was a giant bubble! The girl instinctively grabbed hold of her copper arrowhead necklace that her great-grandmother gave her before she died. The only times she did that was when she was wishing for luck, thinking hard, nervous, or......scared. Which pretty much described the way she felt at that moment. Suddenly the bubble started to glow and an image slowly started to appear. There were two men, one in a dark hooded robe and his face covered and other in a similar outfit but in white. They seemed to be having conversation, but not a friendly one. Then before the girl knew it the hooded men stared a sword fight! She had never seen real sword fight before and she didn’t want to either, but than again she wasn’t so sure if this was real or not. The one in white was good, but the dark one was better. But there was something wrong with the way they moved like they really weren’t human or something. Suddenly they both swung at each other’s head and the blades struck through the cloth covering their faces. And as the masks slipped from them, the girl officially now thought she was dreaming!

The man in dark had the most twisted face she had ever seen! His face made her sick to her stomach and it frightened her almost beyond belief! The man in white’s face was easier to look upon, but not by much. His face was the color blue while his hair (at least she though it was hair) that shown under his hood was the color purple. There was another thing that she noticed, he had stones on his skin. The stone-man seemed a bit surprised by the twisted-man’s face too. That was a mistake. Stone-man was caught off guard as a weird red glow started to form in Twisted-man’s hand. Suddenly fire shot out and hit Stone-man! Even though the girl couldn’t hear a word they were saying, she could almost hear Stone-man’s cry! “Oh no!” she cried, “Wait a minute! Why am I getting so worried, I don’t even know if this is real or not!” Stone-man looked hurt but as much as he looked mad! The same weird glow that Twisted had started to appear in Stone-man’s hand. Only his wasn’t red it was blue! Stone-man started to say something. She couldn’t make out any of it except the word Rai Tilt. “What in the heck is a Rai Tilt?!” The moment he said those last words the blue light engulfed the twisted-faced man into nothingness!

“Wow!” that was all she could say.

Almost as if he heard her he turned towards her direction. They were eye to eye.

“Can he see me?”

Suddenly he turned around as if someone called him and ran away. After he left, the bubble started to glow again. It might have been a sudden lack of intelligence or a sudden spur of courage and curiosity that made her do something that changed her life forever. She touched the bubble.

The moment she touched the bubble she felt her feet being lifted off the ground. It felt like she being pulled into the bubble by an unknown force. At first it wasn’t so bad, until she started to spin. Faster and faster she flew, her mind was spinning and so was her stomach. The more sick she felt, the more bumpy the ride seemed to get! A million questions swarm through her aching head, Where am I? Where am I going? Is this real? Am I dreaming? When is this going to stop?!?!?!

Suddenly she wasn’t flying anymore, she was falling!!

“Help me please! Somebody help me!!!!”

Faster and faster until suddenly...........


She could feel the soft dirt benefit her as she laid silently on the ground. She didn’t want to get up for the fear of seeing her new surrounds was too for her to bear. Also she knew she would thow- up any second. Beside that she wasn’t alone. She could hear voices around her.

“Who is she, Lina?”

“How should I know, Gourry? I’ve never seen her before. What do you think Zel?”

The girl felt herself being lifted from the ground. She slowly opened her eyes and saw a goofy, yet kind looking blond man staring right back at her.

“Hi!” he said cheerfully.

She guessed that was Gourry. She looked around her and saw a red-head girl, a girl in white about her age, and the guy from the bubble. Her head started to hurt even worse, so she had to close her eyes. She only had one thing to say, “Please put me down before I thow-up on you!”

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