A Second Chance

By: Angrychair--angrychair@microsith.com

Have you ever stopped to think about the roundness of time? Everything in nature happens in cycles.

The seasons of the year.. we go from hot to cold to hot again.. The cycles of the moon.. The biological cycles of humans..

Even the cycle of life.

Time is like a circle.. no rather, more like a spiral.. best approximated by the golden spiral, a spiral formed by connecting the corners of golden rectangles within golden rectangles..

I know that sounds complex, but it's not. Time, like the golden spiral, passes the same radians many times as it circles out forever from it's origin.

Scientists have debated greatly about the meaning, strength, and continuity of time for the past century.. Ever since Einstein's theory of relativity connected time, energy, and velocity..

Interpreted in the strictest sense, it would be possible to traverse back in time by exceeding the speed of light..

As an object approaches the speed of light it's perception of the passage of time slows.. at the speed of light no time passes at all...

Of course in this universe there's no particle or object known to science that can travel faster than light.. and only a few particles that travel at the same velocity.

Up until now..

The first discoveries were vague and disjointed, usually showing up as trashed results in particle acceleration experiments..

No scientist would have dared to make such assumptions.. Of course, where their theories ended was where mine began..

The cherenkov radiation, named after my one time neighbor's pet tarantula, was the result of faster than light travel...

Scientists mulled for years over the problems discovered in atom smashing.. it wasn't even dreamed that the decrease in mass during the explosive impact was actually due to matter being lost through time travel..

Of course all of this would be purely academic and have no application at all.. if it weren't for myself.. v The explosive energy of the exploding protons and neutrons is enough to cause a slight fold in space.. a wormhole if you will.. Wormholes don't accelerate matter.. they allow it to move past space rather than through it.. but acheive the same result.. a displacement at a rate of speed far exceeding the speed of light.

The entire project has been very quiet due to its sensitive nature.. Time travel could be used for great evil indeed..

The tests of the prototype have all gone very well.. Rather, they've been very informative.. the trials have been very simple.. to send back items with illicit instructions that would allow them to get back to the lab.. back to us to verify their transport..

The first few runs almost nothing came back.. but after much trial and error it's been managed to tweak the machine to usuable levels of temporal displacement accuracy.

I must admit my own hopes have fluttered to great heights with our advancements..

and soon...

Imagine... being able to go back and fix all of your mistakes in life.. Maybe it's what's kept me going for so long.. but soon the pain will be gone.. and we'll be together again..

I don't know if this journal of all my days will still be here when I'm done with what I'm going to do.. Maybe there's thousands of parallel universes, and I'll just be creating another one.. or maybe this whole project will never happen.. However, one lifetime together is all I ask..

There won't be a return trip, but that's fine.. this lifetime without her has worn too long on me..

To all my colleagues, thank you for your help, and may the rest your lives be long and full.

Doctor Kojiro - 11.12.2034

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