

Don't you cry
And don't you fret
I'll always be here
Like when we met
Wipe your eyes
Your future is bright
But you can't get through now
Without a fight
So be strong
Have heart
And remember I'm here
I'll chase away everything that you fear
I will protect you strong and true
Isn't that what I promised to you?

I am strong
I promise its true
I'll show you and I'LL protect you
I won't worry with you here now
Though my feelings are hidden I feel emotions anew
I won't tell you
I'm strong remember!
But inside my heart is tender
I trust you completely
No matter what
What is that look
I see in your eyes
I see it so often
And it's still a surprise!
We'll fight this enemy
Like others before
We'll fight together
My heart will soar.

I get this feeling
As I grab my sword
Striking the enemy
Is a big reward
We fight together
You taking the last blow
This is all good so...
I smile at you
You smile back.

Maybe one day we'll stop this act.

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