Ano. . .

Ano. . .


I am a man
I must not cry
So i hold onto the thoughts
I keep them inside

It happened slowly
I could only marvel
Now i'm only saddened
By your late arrival

How is it you always make me worry
I follow you on
Protecting you bravely
For now we must hurry

Everything seems harder to fight
But when its over
I hope i might
Be able to stay by your side
With no sword
Just you and i

And i know i'm dumb
And get in the way
I'm sorry it happened
There was no other way

Then one fateful night
My dream came true
I had no sword
Yet i was following you

That made me wonder
Was it the sword you really wanted?
Or maybe deeper
Who knows
I can only ponder

And as i look down
your small form there
I don't have to wonder
I don't have to fear.

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