Slayers Beyond

Chapter 10: It Begins. . .

By: Aisha C aka

Copper, with Zel’s help, had managed to drag Lina, Gourry, and Amelia out of the temple before Zel himself could passed out. And after taking a breath of fresh air the poison seemed to wear off. But that didn’t stop Zel from falling to the ground in exhaustment!

“What happen?”Amelia asked

“A trap that we couldn’t avoid!” Lina answered rubbing her head, “God that stuff gave me a major headache!”

Then noticing the braclet and staff in Copper’s hand she pleaded, “Please don’t tell me that’s the Rainbow’s Treasure! Because if it is just Fire Ball me NOW!”

“It would be my pleasure, Miss Lina Inverse”


The others, still weak from the poisonous gas, struggled to stand only to find that their legs felt disconnected.

“Where’s Xelloss and Naiteal!?” Copper cried.

“Ah, Beast Master Xelloss is a bit occupied right now. And as for your little weakling friend once we find him he’ll be in very good hands.”

“I’m going to kill you!” Zel growled still trying to stand.

“No, you’ve got it backwards. I’m going to kill you”

Suddenly Zelgadiss found himself smashed into a tree by Kalisbar’s power.

“This is too easy”

“No way evil doer! I, Amelia Wil Tesa Sailoon, shall kick your butt in the name of justice!!”

Luckly her strenght had come back and she was now ready to fight!

“Amelia don’t be stupid!!” Zel cried

“Good, another little princess to kill”

“I don’t think so!”

“I’m going to give you a taste of your own medicine!” Amelia announced before chanting her spell.

Source of all souls gather here from the Infinite, ever lasting flame of Blue! I call upon the Power hidden beneath my soul to be called forth here and NOW!! RAI TILT!!!!!!!!

The same blue light that he had been attacked by earlier once again engulfed him into nothing!

“Amelia!” Zel cried “I tried that before and it didn’t work! What makes you think that it will this time!?”



Kalisbar had somehow appeared behind her and had a Fire Ball in his hand!

“Good Bye child”

“Amelia! Duck!!” Copper cried as she swung her staff at Kalisbar’s head. But he doged her easily.

“You think a mere weapon, no, a pathetic stick will defeat me?”

“This ain’t no ordinary weapon, Copper Light!!!”

She threw her staff in the air as it started to glow a blazing light! The moment it left her hands it spun into a ball of light and colided into Kalisbar with full force! After it stoped spinning nothing was left but a pile of ashes and it floated back into Copper’s hand.

“Oh MAN!! Where did you learn to do that!?”Amelia asked in awe.

“I don’t know” Copper confessed “It just came to me!”

“Well no time to rest now” said Lina cracking her knuckles, “Looks like Kally’s friends want to come out and play”

And there in the bushes emerged Kalisbar’s trolls ready to break bones and rip flesh. But so were they! The first troll caught Copper off guard and knocked her staff from her hand! “Die Copperfeather!!” it growled, but then found an arrow in is back! Copper looked up and found Naiteal standing beside her.

“Naiteal! Where did you get that bow and arrows?”

“I made them” he said.

Copper looked at him questionably. So he quickly added, “I had to do something while you were gone. Come on lets show those trolls who boss!”

Naiteal fought better than Copper ever imagined! From his skinny appearence and clumsy ways, she would have never guessed that he was so strong. And with her and the other helping they got though with the troll in ten minutes flat!

“Now that was easy!” Lina said proudly

“Yeah, but maybe too easy....” Zelgadiss whispered

Then all of a sudden something hit Zel to the ground! Zel looked and saw Kalisbar smiling evilly at him.

“THAT’S IT!!” Lina shouted at the top of her lungs, “Isn’t anything gonna kill this guy!? Darkness beyond darkness.......”

“Lina, it isn’t going to WORK!!” Zelgadiss shouted

“I don’t care! DRAGON SLAVE!!!!”

Copper knew that that wasn’t going to destroy him. It seemed like nothing could destroy him! But she had to something, she had to make sure he wouldn’t come back again to hurt her and friends!

Take your weapon....

Find your power....

Save us.....

She leaped into the flames after Kalisbar. The heat of the fire burned but she didn’t care she had to make sure that he was being destroyed. And then though the flames she could see him burning and hear him screaming. No, not screaming. Laughing! Kalisbar’s spiritual body was emerging out of his physical one! He was never getting killed in the first place. He was leaving his body while his real self escaped unharmed!

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