Slayers Beyond

Chapter 11: Realizing the Power

By: Aisha C aka

Copper felt the power running though her as she dashed twords Kalisbar and seized his spirit body.

“No! This can not be!!”

Because she felt him try to slip away she grip hard causing him to slam hard on the ground.

“No mere child can capture me!”

“You right. But I’m no mere child anymore. Like you said I am Copperfeather!”

And with that Copper chanted a spell that she had once heard in a dream and now realized it was real.

“From the Air to the Earth, Death and Birth, Water verse Fire, my power grows higher. I’ll listen to the whispers around me, and protect the magic that has found me. I’ll take my weapon....."

“You can not stop me!!”

Find my power........"

“There will be others!!”

And save my people and my world!!


Rainbow Blast!!!!!!"

All of the power that had been gathering inside her exploded into Kalisbar’s fragile spirit body. And for the first time he felt something that he never thought he would feel. The fear of Death.


Copper had jumped into Lina’s Dragon Slave like some kind of idiot! Even Gourry wouldn’t have done that!!

“Oh, Miss Copper!” Amelia sobbed, “What was she thinking!!”

“Just making sure the job was done” A weak Copper answered stepping from the flames.

“Copper you’re not dead!!!” cried the goup as they huged her. Even Zel couldn’t hid his joy!!

“Uh..Guys. I know I said this before but.. I really think I”m going to throw up!!!!!”

“So, I guess you’re not just a kid after all” said Xelloss appearing before them.

Lina suddenly let go of Copper and punched him dead in the face!

“I though you said you are supposed to protect her!”

“Yeah!” Zel agreed as he grabbed Xelloss by his collar “Where were you when she jumped in the fire?!”

“Where do you think I was?” he wined “How do think she got outta there without getting burnt to a crisp?”

“He's right” she said putting a hand on Zel shoulder “Something was protecting me from the fire, even if it was Xelloss.”

“And my job isn’t over yet” Xelloss said disappearing into air “The unknown force is still out there......”

“Man! Am I hungery!” Naiteal said as he streched his arms

“Me too! Lets get some food NOW!!” Lina cried taking to the air.

“All right!” Amelia said grabbing Naiteal and Copper’s arms.

“Uh, I think I’m going to walk” Naiteal said, “I think I’ve had enough adventure for one day!”

“OK! How about you Copper?”

“Naw, I think I can do it by myself”

The other looked in disbelief as Copper rose off the gound and smiled.

“Alright lets go” Lina said as she and Zel flew carring a yet again upset Gourry with Amelia not far behind. And as Copper flew higher and higher in the air she knewn that one day she would get home and see her family again. Some day......

“Hey Copper hurry up! By the time we get there Lina will have eaten all of the food!”

“OK Amelia!”she called back gently grabbing hold to her necklace and to the hope of returning home.

I wonder if I’m ever gonna get to eat on this world?

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