

It was a typical evening at the inn. The diner had closed for the evening sending the patrons to their rooms for a good night's sleep. However, two patrons weren't quite ready to hit the sack yet. It was fortunate that one of them had a deck of cards for when things got slow. Yes, nothing like a friendly game of cards...

"Dammit, Gourry! Are you cheating?!"

Wouldn't a friendly game of cards be nice...

"No, I'm not cheating." His reply showing no interest. They've been playing for over an hour now and yet he had manage to win 99% of their hands. The only reason he was still playing was because Lina insisted that they continue. Really, Lina just wanted to beat Gourry bad at cards; She would have it no other way. Too bad she was not getting her way tonight.

"I swear you're cheating..."

"I'm not, Lina. I promise."

Lina sighed. How come she couldn't win? She played her best and Gourry always got higher cards then her. Talk about dumb luck. It had to be that, it just had to be.

Okay, time to resort to cheating herself.

"Lina, if I let you cheat, can we stop playing and go sleep?"

"GAH!" Lina coughed "What are you talking about? Hahaha!"

"You're slipping cards." he took out cards she hide behind her others "Don't give me that hurt look, Lina."

Lina groaned. She was really beginning to hate this. Plus she couldn't imagine tomorrow when Gourry would bring it up about how bad he beat HER. No, she wouldn't allow that. Soon as she beat him once more, she would call it quits and thus prevent any bragging from him.

"I win." Gourry announced at the end of their hand. This game started out as a fun way to past time, they talked, they joked and generally had fun. Till Gourry's winning streak began to ruffle Lina's feather. "I'm heading off to bed now." Gourry didn't want to anger Lina anymore.

"One more hand!"

"Goodnight, Lina." He petted her head. "You should get some sleep too."

"Let's bet! If you win...I'll give you a gold piece." She whined to get her way.

Wow, Lina was willing to part with money. "Alright." He sat back down. "One more hand."

"Yay!" Lina cheered, confident about her victory. A victory that never came. Tucking away the gold piece in his pocket, Gourry went to head off to bed.

"How about 2 gold pieces..."


"You heard me; again!"

"C'mon, Lina..."

"No! Just play!" And they did.

"Three gold this time!"


Lina still kept at it.






And so on, until she found, "I'm all outta money..."

Gourry was tucking his earning in his bag. Continuing playing this game was a great idea for him, however, Lina wasn't too happy at how amateur she looked right now. She lost all her money in a gambling match, how...juvenile?

"Hey, Gourry..."

"Yeah, Lina."

"I really need my money..."

"Shouldn't have gambled it then."

Lina clenched her fist "Give it back.."

"I won it far and square."

"Gourry, how does one with minimum brains be so good at poker?"

"I just played a lot of it in my time. I'm actually better at that game, ummm...with the fish...huh...what it's called...?"

"Go Fish!"

"But it's nighttime. How can I fish?"

Lina rolled her eyes. "Jeez!"She sighed and then got all cute "You're gonna at least give me a chance to win my money back, riiiight?" She brought her fists up to her chin and batted her eyelashes.

Gourry laugh and agreed.

"Okay! That's more like it. How about..." She searched her cloak. "Gems!"


So, they played their hand. Then again. And again. Till the fate of Lina's gems and other treasures became the fate of her money.


"So, got anything else to bet, Lina?"

Lina rooted in her cape for something.

"Anymore gems?"

"No..." Lina said through clenched teeth as her search bear fruitless. She looked at her cape held out in her hand. Why not? So, she ante it up.

Gourry raised an eyebrow and then nodded. "Alright."

They played their hand.

"Damn. Damn. Damn."

Lina grabbed her sword belt and tossed it in the pile.


Her gloves were next to go.


Then her shoulder guards. The boots, the dagger, her earrings, bandana, all followed in joining Gourry's processions. Lina was getting desperate. At every hand, Gourry always said if she wanted to quit they would. No! Lina didn't want to stop till she won. She WOULD beat him: he would not get bragging rights! Her talismans were next to go.


Gourry sighed and looked at Lina "You know if you keep this up, you're gonna lose the shirt off your back." She did too.

Lina clutched the hotel's blanket around her tightly, the tears beginning to form at her own accursed luck tonight. How could this have happen? How did this bastard just...ARRHH! It was all HIS fault!

"Okay...I have nothing now..." Lina finally admitted.

"Can we stop playing now?"

"No! I have to win my stuff!"

"Oh, you mean these?" Gourry teased as he dangled her clothes in front of her. She promptly punched his face in as he did so.

"Let's play!"

"But you have nothing to bet, Lina." Gourry rubbed his nose.

...A sniffle... "Ju...Just gimmie a minute!"


Lina, still clutching the sheet, thought about it for a moment. Listing things in her head, however, they all seem to be futile. Then she got it. "Ho...How about if you win I'll be your servant for a month?"

"Wow, really?"

"IF you win, stupid."


They played.

"....Two months."


"...Four months."




"...A year."


"...Five years."



"Not your lucky number, Lina."



There was a long pause "...Twenty..."


Talk about gambling your life away which Lina did eventually.

"Well," Gourry rubbed his sore arm from which Lina found a good way to release some tension after losing each hand. "I'm going to bed. See ya tomorrow, Lina."

"No you don't!"

"If you have nothing to bet then there's no reason for me to play." Gourry stated calmly as he started to put his winnings in his bag. He looked at her clothes and accessories and decided he would give them back to her. Tomorrow he would give them back to her. He would also think about this whole servant thing tomorrow too. Lina would be sure to remind him about it if and when he forgot.

"My firstborn!"

Gourry facefaulted. How could she bet a thing like that! "NO!"

"Why not?" Lina asked still holding tight to the sheets. "It's something to bet."

"No, it's not!" Gourry said sternly. "You're not betting a kid. That's just not right."

"Neither is taking all of my stuff."

"You gambled it away."

"Listen, you..." Lina's arm shot out, grabbed his hair and reeled him in. "You're gonna play. Is that clear?" The glowing ball of flame in her hand was as menacing as her tone. All which made Gourry squeal. However, he had to be clear on this issue.

"You're not betting a kid."

"It's something to bet I said!"

"No, it's not! First off you don't even have one, so it's not something."

"Damn..." Lina brought her hand up to her chin releasing his hold on him. She giggled as an idea came to her head. "Okay, okay, no kid. Buuuutt...since I just felt my luck go way up just now, how about we bet this?" She pulled on his hair again, so she could whisper it in his ear. She dare not say it out-loud; The blush on her cheeks was already high.

Gourry made a face of mild shock and then of disgust. He glanced sideways at the redder Lina. "You still have that?"

"Yes!" Lina waved her free arm around. "Why wouldn't I have it."

Gourry's face of annoyance still stuck. "Even if I won, I wouldn't be able to cash in on that bet."

"That's IF you win."

"Yeah, but your virginity?"

"Don't say it out-loud!" The blush spread. "Anyhow, just play." Lina started to deal out the cards when she felt Gourry gently and ever so softly cupped her face. Needless to say she didn't expect that. She slowly looked up at him, his eyes dull but his expression serious.


"Yes..." She had gotten so quiet now, her nerves lost in the moment.

"Look," He turned her head to face the screen. "Even our readers know where this is headed! I know where this is headed!" He turned her head back. "Just look at the warning by this fanfiction." He reached over off screen to get it. "LEMON! "This contains adult material". YOU know where this is headed!"

"Th...That's for the scene Zel and Amelia have at the end...?"

"Like HELL it does!"

"Of course it does." Lina reassured herself waving around a flower she had in her hand. "Now enough with the small talk and let's play." The flower was placed in the pile.

"Oh, this is getting bad..."

"Just play." Lina was grinning ear to ear; she was going to win.

Their cards dealt, discarded and supplied again it was time to see who won.

"Three of a kind, how about you?

Lina cried.

"Told you."

Lina's cards fell slowly from her hands. When they became free they went to holding her eyes as she brawled them out.

Gourry scratched the back of his head wondering how to deal with this. "Now, now, Lina, don't cry." He went to petting her head like he'd always done. However, as soon as his hand touched Lina, she flinched back, the sheet being held in a death-lock over herself as her hands flew to a defensive position. Gourry, only now realizing, could only respond "NO! Nononononononononononono!" He got up waving his hands like it was nothing slowly backing to the door "I, I ,I!" acting as a statement as he flung the door open and left. Very narrowing escaping death, one might add. Gourry wondered down the hall way till he found a window. He needed the fresh air. Why did he seem like the bad guy here? He wasn't the one making all those crazy bets. It was all Lina's fault. He sighed as he had to think of what he could do to avoid an early death. He ended up walking around till he reached the front desk where he saw pen and paper there. Taking it, he began to write down his plan of action. He would never expect Lina to complete that last bet, not by a long shot and not in a million years. So, he would give her a choice, do the bet (yeah right) or read what was on the paper. All the paper had on it was points about the good things Gourry had done for her, those that he could actually remember (which wasn't much...). Also, some personality and physical traits he felt she could mention about him. In short, all Lina had to do was, in her cutest voice, tell him how much she really enjoyed all that he'd done for her and any other thing she would like to include to compliment him. Lina would be happy and he would feel a whole lot better himself. Now to head back to the monster's lair.

He looked at the door he left only minutes ago before turning the knob. Well, trying to turn the knob but, alas, it was locked. He frowned at Lina's behavior tonight.

*Knock**Knock* "Hey Lina, lemme in."

Nothing. He knew she wasn't asleep so he knocked again.

"Listen, about that last bet you made...I have an idea, but we need to talk about it."

No answer. Pressing his ear to the door, he could hear her fuming. Okay, let's try it this way.

"LINA" He practically shouted at the door. "THAT BET YOU MADE WITH YOUR VIRGINITY" His already loud tone raised a bit when he stressed that last word. "I THINK WE NEED TO TA~" Lina was already at the door pulling him in by the arm.

"Not out-loud!" She hushed him as she let go of his arm, sending him flying half way across the room. Gourry propped himself back up as Lina, already in her pajamas, shut the door. His bag with the items he had won tonight was nowhere in sight as well. No doubt she hid it. He was going to ask what'd she do with it but before the words could leave his mouth, she crossed her arms and shot him a glare. Better go to another subject. "Lina, about that last bet," He got out the note he wrote earlier. "Anyhow, you know you don't have to do it."

"Of course I don't." Lina plainly said. "In fact I don't have to give you anything."

"Ahh, I..."

"Gourry, you try to take anything of mine and I'll knock you into next week!" She was serious. "That includes everything I betted. You got that?" She demanded.

Wow, he was there to be a perfect gentlemen and tell her she didn't have to got this.

"Hey! You have no right to be angry at me."

Lina snorted and turned her head.

"You were the one who made all those bets. Can't you at least honor them?"

"What are you saying?" She stomped over to him. "What honor is there in extorting a young girl to give up herself to a man?" She clasped her hands to her cheeks in a dramatic mannerism. "Well, there isn't any!" Her voice changing back to it's usual smart-ass self. Gourry's note was brought up to her face. "Huh? What's this?" She took the paper and read over it.

"It's what I did while I was gone. I was trying to say, that you don't have to do that last bet. Just read off this and, ya know, just tell me how much you like what I've done for you so far."

Lina twisted her mouth. She didn't look amused as she went back to reading the letter. "I have a better idea; How about I don't?"

"Lina..." He stretched her name.

"I'm not kidding. I don't have to do anything. I don't!" She stomped her foot and placed her hand on her hips for emphasis.

"Can't you at least say ‘thanks' for not making you do that last bet?"

Lina crossed her arm again "No."

Gourry frowned again. Might as well go to the other subject. "So, where are my things?"

"I told you I don't have to give you anything."

"But I won those things!"

"Didn't you just hear me the last three times, dolt? I'm not giving you nothing and you better not take my stuff."

"You're acting like a child."

"Am not! Am not! Am not!" She waved her arms in the air.

Gourry scratched his head. This was not fair "Fine, if you won't tell me I'll just look for them." He started his search by looking under the bed.

"Stop it!" She did so by putting him in a headlock. "I told you: You better not take my stuff!"

"It's MY stuff now, not yours."

"Jackass!" Her grip tightened on him.

"AGGGHHH!! Leggo! Leggo!"

Lina finally calmed down after beating him into submission. She had to grin at herself seeing him fix a pissed-off glare at her, which only added to his sulking.

"Okay, okay. I admit, the betting thing was stupid."

Gourry nodded and wiped the sweat off his brow. He was lucky things ended as they were or he might have ended up as a crispy lil fella.

"Peh, well." She crossed the room to sit next to him. "Thanks for playing. It was kinda fun."

"Yeah, now that you don't have to pay up."

Lina bonked his head. "I'm thanking you here." Leaning back, her fond smile returned. "We get along good."

Gourry smiled.

"Heh." Lina layed back and kicked her legs in the air. She felt happy now. Gourry felt playful too, so he decided to grab hold of her ankles, with one hand one might add, and seeing if he could fold her in half. Quite a reaction from Lina who was screaming "No." repeatedly and flapping her arms at him. "What the hell are you doing?" She demanded when he let go of her ankles.

"Wanted to see if your head can touch your feet."

"Oh...hmm...I see."A short collection of sound, smack, snap and smush, and the simpleton was at the small of the bed. Lina, on his back, was busy strangling him while his head hung over the end of the bed. "So, let's see how long till your head turns purple!"

The world was already getting hazy to Gourry: Time to do something. He pushed himself up from the bed, catching Lina by surprised, and was able to at least turn around. Lina wasn't gonna let him get off that easy. Her hands pushed his shoulders down before wrapping them around his throat. If Lina would pay attention to their position, she would see how much so she was straddling him. To Gourry's dismay he did realize Lina was right there, pressing down to hold him while still choking him. It felt so warm to say the least about her being down there. His head felt so hot...oh wait...that was the lack of oxygen.

"LahhhhhLLahhhhaggag." Talking did no good. Time to throw her off. Actually, a more accurate description would be bucking her off. Soon as he pressed forward Lina's eyes widen when she finally noticed where she was. She quite literally jumped off him. The opposite sides of the bed, they crunched up looking rather embarrassed. For a few minutes they just stay there, occasionally looking up at the other before returning their gaze to their feet and ankles. Should they say something? Why did it have to feel so good?

"It's all your fault."

"Me, Lina?"

"Yeah, couldn't just told me to get off."

"You were choking me." He moved up the bed to sit by her. "I couldn't."

"What a pathetic excuse." she felt his arm wrap around her shoulders.

"It's not pathetic." he sighed.

Lina, however, felt so weird right now. She wanted him to touch her, to hold her nice and tight till she had her fill, to cup her face, and maybe even a little kiss. Desire and longing really hit hard don't they? "Gourry?"


"We've know eachother for years now. We're...close, wouldn't you say?"

"Yeah, we are."

She smiled as she snuggled in closer "It's hard not to like you."

"Hmm? Umm, I guess that's nice..."

"It is. It really is." She giggled before she got up to face him. "Would you say this is nice too?"

"What's nice, Li~!!"Lina darted her head at his and smashed her lips against his in a hard kiss. Klonk went Gourry's head as it hit the backboard. Muffled murmurs mingled with the ‘Mmmm's manifesting from Lina. Lungs beckoned for air so parting was necessary for the brief second it took to switch sides. Gourry didn't really have time to say much so...he just let Lina press her lips and body up close against him. Such a sweet kiss now, more tender then the rough first one. Lina peeked an eye open. She was somewhat annoyed with his eyes just staring at her. She growled before letting up.

"Hey, do something." A command.


"Don't you like it?" She playfully pouted. "Don't you like me?" Me stressed for longer then it should have.

Gourry stared at her. Well, ha, what else can you do in a situation like this?

"Oh, fine! If you don't like we can just st~!!" T'was Lina's turn to be surprised. The tables turned, she found herself being pressed into the mattress while Gourry tenderly kissed her. His arm wrapped around her tiny waist while the other held her precious face, it was all what she wanted. Her hand overlapped his holding her face; leave it would not. The kiss parted and Gourry spread his attention to the rest of her cute face. His lips bushing against her cheek, her eyes, the tip of her nose, her brow, her chin, simple little acts of love in the accelerating heat of the evening. He started down her neck when he stopped.

"Gourry?" she asked softly. His other hand joined the vacant side of her face calming her distress. For a bit he just gazed at her face. She was so cute even with her face all flushed and her hair looking like it was caught in a gust of wind. Rubbing their noses together, he decided it was best to get it out in the open.

"Baby,... I love you."

"Oh, Gourry..." Lina smiled softly at him "Do you know how corny that sounds?"

"That bad, huh?"

"It wasn't bad, but very cliche`."

"Ahhh. Well, how would you do it then?"


"Yes you, Lina." he asked, propping his elbows so he could rest his head on his hands while looking at her.

Lina looked to the side for moment blushing. "Do I have to?" He nodded.

She sighed as she twirled a lock of his loose hair. "How about..." She paused for a second to think about it. "How about..." Her voice becoming soft again. "After all what we've been through, I've come to know, that I love you so very much. You're my life and I could never imagine a day with us being apart because I love you more then I do myself." Her eyes closed as the meaning of it all set in "I want us to be together. I love you." Why did her heart ache now?

The flutter in his heart renewed, it was his turn. "Alright. Let me try." he tilted her chin up for her to open her moist eyes. "After all we've done together, I still want to be with you, right by your side and live out the rest of my life with you. I love you, Lina Inverse. I'm so happy we're together." His well-known good hearted smile was what broke the ice and so Lina found herself crying. "Lina? Are you okay?"

She waved her hand as to dismiss her action. "Don't mind me. I'm just crying over something stupid, stupid."

"Over me?" Gourry pointed to himself, his clueless look never faulting.

She laugh and then resumed her tears. A sniffle brought his hand to her wet cheeks to dry them out. She clenched his hand in hers as she emptied her already swelled heart. Gourry still kept his fond smile. He knew they were tears of happiness. It was amazing how emotions were. Intense, towering and upmost feelings brought tears to women. Gourry felt his own heart swell up as he came to realize just how great those feelings of Lina's were. Fiercely and compassionately he gathered her up in a warm and enthusiastic hug that let them show without any words, just how much love they felt. A broken sob, muttering of "thank you"'s and "I love you"'s, all led back to their lips wanting the other's. So new and young to these feelings, they felt they could kiss eachother forever: To show their love nonstop by pressing their lips together. Their hands continued to roam though. Lina found herself playing with his hair which felt so smooth between her bare fingers. Gourry's hand had found a wonderful resting spot on her hips. Wow, Lina actually had hips. Soon, getting bored with them just resting there, his hands started to move once more. This time behind Lina's hips and onto her rum~

"Gourry!" she stopped rather abruptly.


"Gimme your hands." She held out her own. He reluctantly placed his in hers and she pulled them back to her face. His roaming hands now under control, she went back to kissing him full force. He chuckled at her shyness during the kiss to which Lina had to glint an eye at him. Lina was funny, but she loved him and that was all that mattered. Lina, herself now, was getting more into the kiss. Her body turning this way and that, so many thoughts Gourry shouldn't be having were growing in his mind. Well, he thought, one dirty imagination couldn't hurt right? How wrong he was and he realized it only till it was too late. Of course...Lina, too, could feel the results. She pulled back from the kiss with her eye twitching.


"Ah...haha, yes, Lina?" Ooo, those were bad vibes coming from her.

"What's that?" Her eyes closed in annoyance.

Gourry sweatdropped. "Ah...Proof of my love?"

"Oh, I see..." Her fist flew at his face. "Get it offa me!" It contacted and launched Gourry off the bed. While Gourry was apologizing profusely and begging for his life, Lina couldn't help but stare at the bulge in his trousers. How such a long and thick thing could stick out; she was surprised it didn't just poke a hole through the fabric. Wow, what sketch those pants had! Maybe if Gourry would quit begging for his life and actually look at Lina, he would see he wasn't in that much trouble. Not that much trouble anyhow. He braced himself for when Lina grabbed his collar and shoved him down. His eyes shut tight for her blow that never came. Instead he felt Lina on his lap once more only deliberately pressing him there. He looked up at her and saw her face still in a frown.

"Lina...?" This was getting scary...

Her frown turned into a sly smile and she gave him a good rub with herself again. His harsh gasp made her smile more. It also made her to pull his head up on her shoulder and wrapped her legs around his waist. Words were at a loss to Gourry. One minute Lina didn't want anything more then a kiss and now she was seducing him; how much more impulsive could you get? Then again, that didn't really mattered right now. Right now, the girl he loved wanted to have sex with him so who gives a damn! He flung his arms around her again, encouraging her to continue her movements against him. Their foreheads rested against the others while they continued the lust driven semi-act. Release, taunting them by being so close yet would not come. They both pressed harder, their grip strengthening, breaths moaning, all to bring about that intense feeling. Sweat started to form from their wild pacing. The act had no control and neither cared. Spontaneous and crude love all wrapped up in one blessing which Gourry began to received. He gritted his teeth and shut his eyes hard as he let the feeling overcome him. Oh gods, Lina, Lina, Lina, he murmured over and over as he lost complete control of himself.

When it was all done he held Lina tightly pausing her movements and kissed her hard.

"Gourry?" She asked when it was over.

"I'm sorry." He picked her up and carried her over to the bed.

"What's wrong?" She was a bit confused. "Why'd you stop and what's with the sad look, dope?"

He smiled through his sorrowful expression. It was guilt; he got his while she didn't get hers. "Give me a minute" and he rested her on the bed. Quickly, he removed his socks and started to pull his pants. He didn't want then to get ruin. All the time Lina was gapping at the scene in front of her holding her top tight. He slapped his underwear over the chair to dry out and stood up proud "Alright. Ready." and there he stood, naked as a jaybird and hanging. Lina mouthed a silent "o". She wanted to make a remark about how he wasn't hard, but...she was preoccupied looking at the scenery. She twirled her hair when she started to climb up on the bed towards her. Button, button, button, he could wait to get her out of these clothes. Her pants followed her shirt and all that was left were the laces on her undergarment to be unlaced.

"Wait." she held his hand. "Let's..." she brought his hand to her small bosom "Let's just be with eachother some more before we start that again."

Gourry didn't know what she was talking about but then again he really wasn't ready yet for another go. He kissed her again as his hands traveled all over her body, this time with nothing holding him back. Caressing, squeezing, massaging, it made her feel shiver all over again. That was good because she started to feel so nervous again. Although, here they were practically naked to the world and in the other's embrace yet they were comfortable with that. Such is life one could guess. His hands started to rub her inner thighs; pleasure from their fun on the floor returning in waves. It felt so sensual and warm. One could only imagine how much better it would feel once he was inside her. Oh, she was melting right there just thinking about it, the rubbing, the moisture, it was too much. Her hand fondled his already hard groin, indicating she was ever so ready. Gasping was all Gourry could do while she held. She let go and then had her hand trace his face. They smiled gently, admiring their love's face as he started to unlace her undergarment. He tossed it aside went to her face again.

"You ready?" he gently asked.

"As ready as I'll ever I guess."

"I love you, you know. I do."

"I do, too. I love you."

His hands ran along her sides and onto her legs. Confusion spread to her face again as he parted her knees. He faintly pressed against her and she brought her clamped hand to her mouth. His lenient nudging only added more to the anxiety, it had to be done.

"I'm sorry, Lina..." he apologized before plunged into her hard and fast. The sharp pain jolted through her whole system and then the tears started to fall. She cried out her lover's names; pleas to make the pain go away. He whispered how he was sorry and how much he loved her. Kissing her lips and holding her tight against him, she was so fragile in his arms now. He shifted his position so she could be more comfortable but the slight movement triggered a small wave of pain.

"Oh, gods!" she cried.

"Lina! Are you okay?!"

Burying her face into his shoulder, she murmured that she was okay. She wiped her eyes and looked back at him. "Ouch." she playfully said and smiled. He laughed and gave her another heartfelt kiss. Parting the kiss, another quick peck on her nose for how cute she was acting now. Then the lovemaking continued for the two new and young lovers. The leisurely slow pace was just perfect for Lina now. Being with Gourry was a slice of heaven, feeling his movements inside of her, the warmth he gave as well as his tender emotions. In and out, in and out, in and out, the driving of himself was driving her crazy. In a quiet voice, faster was her demand. She wanted to reach that peak with Gourry, to be with him. Thrusting again and again, each time more relishing then the last. Each time building up and demanding harder movements to fulfill that need. He was pounding in her, which she loved, when she finally climaxed. Her head was thrown back into the pillows as her entire body shook with joy. She never imagined it could ever feel this good, this stunning but fleeting moment. She griped him tight, trying to show how much she loved what he did for her, for the love he'd shown her. Kissing her back, he was able to release within his beloved, this time both complete and whole in every sense of the word. Relaxation taken in, both were happy.

Laying in bed, their gaze fixed upon the night sky.

"By the way, Gourry. Open the window and bring my stuff in." So, that's where she put them. He wrapped one of the lighter sheets around himself and did as asked. What a good hiding space, he thought as he untie the knot she did.

"Did you have to put these out here, Lina?"

"Of course I did."

Gourry shook his head as he tossed his bag in the corner before jumping back in bed.

"Hey! Careful, it still hurts!"

"Does it?"

"Not a lot but it still does."

"I'm sorry then."

She shrugged "Well...I guess I'll forgive you this time but don't do it again."

He nuzzled his nose with her "My rack of lamb."

"What?" she sat up "Why'd you called...RACK of lamb?"

"Huh? Well, don't sweethearts usually call eachother food names like sugar and honey?"

"Yeah..." she thought about it and smiled. Leaning over to him, she pressed her breasts together "So, does this mean you like my rack now?"

Gourry looked at them with a puzzled look. "You have a rack?"

Lina growled.

"I mean, heck, Lina if I were to call your breasts a type of food it's be pizza!"

Lina blinked and proceeded to pummel him once more.


"See! OW! That's a,OW! Food name! OW! OW! OW!!"

"So is dead meat!"

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