The Way Home--1

The Way Home

Part 1


Author's Note: Supposedly, this story takes place between the Next and Try storylines. Don't ask me about details-- it seemed like a good idea at the time to place it here, and I'm too lazy to write details anyway. Feedback is appreicated! If you like the teaser, tell me and I'll get around to finishing it! = ^-^ =

"Ya-hoo! Gourry, look-- another magic shop! I can't believe our luck! This town is great: not just one, but three magic shops!" Lina squealed as she dragged her hapless companion into said shop by a handful of his golden hair.

"Aww, Lina," Gourry protested half-heartedly, "Haven't we seen enough already? It's getting late and I'm hungry and-"

He was cut off by Lina's Look that said "one more word and there's a Fireball headed your way."

One magic shop an afternoon was bad enough, the swordsman thought to himself as he followed Lina inside the dusty, cluttered building. He supposed he ought to be used to being dragged into these shops, as Lina insisted on visiting each one in every town they passed through. Personally, he'd rather have stayed in his room at the village inn, but when Lina wanted her way...

The little redhead was already on the far side of the room, scouring the shelves for anything of value, a look of intense concentration on her face. He watched her for a moment, amazed by the way she could so completely throw herself into something. It was times like this you could walk up behind her and tap her shoulder without her noticing. In fact, you could stand there and make comments on her chest size (not that he'd recommend it, personally) without her so much as batting an eye in your direction. It was one of the many things he loved about her.

Loved? Yeah, he loved her. Gourry had long since suspected he was losing his heart to the fiery troublemaker, but the depth of his feelings towards her had only been brought to the surface when they'd been involved in a situation with a few higher-level Mazoku who wanted Lina Inverse dead. It was the fact that he'd almost lost Lina forever that had made the ever-forgetful swordsman ponder (not that he was stupid, mind you, just that things beyond what was important at the moment tended to get lost in the shuffle of Gourry's brain) how much she actually meant to him-- without Lina, life just wasn't worth living.

Trying to amuse himself while Lina haggled with an old lady behind the counter over the price of some odd-shaped amulet, Gourry poked around on old set of shelves that looked like they hadn't seen the services of a duster in centuries. A figurine of a little dog caught his eye. It was crystal, colorless, and something about its blank stare called out to the swordsman. Touch me, it seemed to whisper, crying out for contact and attention.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," called the hag behind the counter as Gourry brought his hand up, pausing in her bickering with the sorceress. "You might regret it!"

"Gourry, didn't I tell you not to touch things?!" Lina yelled without looking up from her debate.

The dog figure stood at attention, head up and tail raised, as if waiting for it's master's call. Touch me, just touch me and set me free... Set yourself free... Be what you are and what you are not...

"What I am and what I'm..." Gourry mumbled to himself, brows furrowing in thought. "What the--"

"Gourry! Come on, we're leaving!" Lina called. Her voice was harsh. Apparently she hadn't gotten her way with the merchant. She flung the door open before her, sending its little brass bells jingling wildly. Gourry turned to follow.

And then, of their own accord, his fingers brushed the crystal coat of the little dog figurine. The contact sent an electric jolt up his arm. The buzz of magic sank into his bones, and then his stomach knotted, twisted. Gourry sank to his knees, grunting in pain. His very body seemed to contort itself; he felt as if his skin were melting, taking the rest of his body along for the ride.

The pain subsided quickly, much to his surprise. Gourry raised his head, only to find the old woman from the counter standing over him. Only she was much taller than she was a few minutes ago. She shook her head. "I told you not to touch it... why don't you young people ever listen?"

Gourry opened his mouth to protest, but no words came out. Just a sharp sound that was far louder that he'd intended. A sound that was remarkably like...

He tried again. No words. Just that barking noise.


Oh gods...

Squeezing his eyes shut, Gourry swallowed hard, trying to convince himself that this wasn't happening. Cautiously, he peeked one eye open to look at his hands. Yellow. Yellow?!

They weren't even hands anymore. More like short, stubby toes ending in blunt black claws that scraped against the rough planks of the floor. Paws. Paws covered in golden fur.

A wrinkled old hand patted the tousled fur of his head. "I warned you. This is what you get for not listening."

"Awrrr... WOWRF! ROW ROW ROWRF!" Why didn't you TELL me this would have happened?!

"No need to shout, young man. I can understand you perfectly."

"Arhmmmmm.........hmmmmmmm......." he whined. So how do I undo this?

"Not as easy as you'd hope. You have to find your own way home." The hag smiled, a secret behind those ancient eyes.


"No use in complaining. It won't get you anywhere. Now, I imagine your pretty young friend is wondering what's become of you."

Lina? Oh, L-sama, what is she going to THINK?! How do I explain what happened? What will-

His thoughts were cut off as the merchant woman opened the shop door and gave his tail (Tail? He had a tail?!) a push with her foot. "You'd better get going, now, young man. Remember what I said: find your own way home." She cackled as she shut the door behind him, leaving a very confused golden retriever sitting on the shop steps.

= ^-^ = You like? ::snicker:: Don't ask what I was on when I wrote it. I've been toying with the idea for some time now... just haven't been able to get it down. Let me know what ya'll think! If I get enough of a positive response, I'll post more of it.

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